Opt your children out of Religious Instruction.  You have a legal right to do so.  This is the easiest way to let the school know how you feel and you will be encouraging others to do so.  Remember Campbells Bay school dropped Bible classes because only 50 children were opted out.  If you are not sure if your school conducts Religious Instruction, you may like to opt out, just in case.  By opting out you will be making it easier for others to do the same.  

Remember to talk to your child so that they know they are not being separated from their classmates, because they have done anything wrong.  You could also consider taking your child out of school for some parent (or grandparent) time, while Religious Instruction is being conducted.

Opt Out Letter

Here is a sample opt out letter that you may like to use.





(your details)





The Principal

[Your] Primary School


Dear Principal:

I wish to exercise my Right under Section 79 of the Education Act 1964 to opt my child out of Religious education class and any Religious service.


79 Attendance at religious instruction or observances not compulsory

(1)No pupil enrolled at a State primary school shall be required to attend or take part in any such instruction or observances if any parent or guardian of the pupil does not wish the pupil to take part therein and makes his or her wishes known in writing to the head teacher of the school.


As the Religious Instruction class is contrary to my conscience, I wish to opt …………………………………… (children’s name/s) out of this class.  Please confirm this in writing and please do not discuss this matter with my child.



Yours faithfully,



(Your name/s)


cc: …………………(Your child’s teacher)

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